Monday, 7 February 2011

Human recycling.

What do we do with something when it's no longer of any use or desire and basically just a piece of trash ?

Recycle of course !! And what's the most useless, unwanted trash in South Africa ?

That's right ! Afrikaners !

The following article suggest that we use Afrikaners as police men.

Clever I thought. It’s not like we need them, or they are doing anything valuable with their time anyway. Perfect Cannon fodder ! You could probably pay them in klipdrift and coke.

But then it got me thinking. What else can we do with our Afrikaners ? I mean we make use of other useless garbage through the process of recycling, why let Afrikaaners (the most useless rubbish of all) go to waste ?

Anyway I came up with a few suggestions of my own.

Sign posts.

Afrikaners are always standing around street corners with cardboard signs these days anyway. Seeing as they are there anyway, why not just hang street signs straight onto the Afrikaners ? South Africa looses a lot of money through having to replace street signs everyday through drunk motorists knocking them down. Sure , we'll still loose street signs (Afrikaners) to stray motorists , but it’ll be funnier.

Traffic lights.

Just like the first suggestion , have Afrikaans couples arm in arm on a street corner. Put a red sign on the back of the women and a green one on the back of the men. When ever you need the light to change you play some sokkie music.


  1. Your family picture? Are you the little one on the left keeping the rooster intact? What were you pondering about? "I'm going to ravish that sister of mine tonight before daddy comes home for his share”

  2. He says his name is rooster. He is actually a cock!
