Monday, 7 February 2011

Afrikaaners : intellectual anorexics.

Right off the cuff there I know it seems like I'm being typically obnoxious and carrying on my current anti Afrikaans hate tirade.


I'm actually trying to point out something I consider quite seriously. So slooooow down. There's nothing up my sleeve here but good intentions. Listen and you might learn something. As I explained in my previous comments page : I'm not trying to hate...I'm trying to help.

I don't think the afrikaaner community often enough engages in a much needed process of self reflection. Ths is for one main reason : They're so drowned in self pity they don't see the wood for the trees.Show me a group of afrikaaners in casual conversation and I'll show you a group of people likely currently engaging in ether hate speech , or even worse , rugby talk. Both things should be banned in any sane country striving to regulate it's public to be dignified and civilised members of the planet, but the rugby talk is not really that dangerous is you limit the brandy intake. So the problem remains the hate speach.

So what is it that makes the Afrikaans community so hateful or everyone ? Some of them might point out it's because they've been f#cked around for a good few years by the English. True enough we did put down a mean can of super whip ass on them, and no matter how often bok van blerk sings it from your 1400 nissen bakkies there's sweet f#ck all you can do about it. But for gods sakes get over it. My great , great grandmother was in the concentration camps policed by my great great grandfather and the result is me. So overall it was a very good thing and we should all remember that. It took the death and suffering of a great many people but the result of it was Rooster and in my perspective (which by the way is always right) was worth it.

Seriously though (cause when I talk callously about peoples suffering you can be sure I'm not being serious....except kurdt Darren and Dave obviously...F#ck those guys.) isn't it time to drop the self pity ?

I know you have this feeling that everyone is out to get you and that no one likes you. But do you know why ? You're suffering a deep sense of repressed guilt. Somewhere in your dark dutchy souls (if you have any) you must know what total arrogant , thoughless, cruel dickwads you were to everyone for a good couple of decades? And part of you feels that for that everyone must hate you and wish you harm now that you lost your power.

But here's the thing : We don't. For the most part anyway. We're perfectly happy to assimulate you into the greater South African culture. We cheer when schalk burger face plants some pasty little poms head into the ground as loud as anyone. We shag your slutty women (because they drink to much) with great enthusiasm, and even embrace some of your musical talent (nude girls etc). That AB De Villiers ? Huge man crushes country 'round.

So it's not that we don't want's the just seems like you don't want us!

Especially our black brothers. That's easy to understand thought f#c all abour riding your oversized vehicles into their townships and releasing the god old shotgun and sjambok on them. And don't raise your hands and say "not me !!!!" did you F#ckers ! Your fathers and mine. We watched on the news as this happened with silent approval as if they were stray dogs. Yes our heads were full of lies and propoganda about communism etc and most of us here were young and didn't know any better than to reject it. A big part of you feels they ought to hate you and have it out to get you...easy that to understand.

...but that's not the terrible part.

This is : To act as if we have nothing to apologise about !!

And that's where you Afrikaaners take the cake and earn everyones hate. You're too sorry feeling sorry for yourself to realise you haven't even stopped for a moment to apologise. and I don't mean tokenism cheering for nelson mandela in 1995, because in the minds of most of you that was enough. No d!ckwads , that's not enough. You've got to learn to be humble , to hold your heads down for a bit , to start treating and speaking to black people like freaking human beings with the appropriate sense of guilt and humility. But what do we get from you instead ? Constant bitching , whinging and insisiting that YOU ARE THE VICTIM .

No, no , no my friends......kindly sh#t the fuck up.

So it's up to you. Stop guarding and celebrating what makes you different to everyone else and start assimulating and celebrating what we have in common.....a wonderful country with a fantastic opportunity to do something amazingly unique in human history......or fuck off to oranje (or whatever that dutchie town is called with it's own currency).


  1. WOW, what a bigot you are. Unfortunately you fall prey to what most fools fall prey to: sweeping generalisations. So perhaps you could preface your statements by using the word 'some' in it. What would further improve the value of your ranting is if you start all your sentences with "I think ...". Who do you represent? Did you ask them if you could? Where is your support? Did you notice the uhm SILENCE with which most of your writing is met?

    Shame dude, Speakers Corner in Hyde Park a bit far (there where any fool can have his say), but fortunately free software gives you a voice too. Thing is, when no one is listening, you simply look like an ass.

    Yes I'm Afrikaans, but I don't really care for that. Many of us don't. Some do. But for you to be so derogatory about someone else's cultural stuff (e.g. Sokkie) is just sick. Who died and made you the god of acceptable culture?

    Fricken idiot!
